Sunday, October 15, 2006

the new stuff

over the past month ive gone on a new music buying spree. i didnt intend to, its just the way it worked out! i went a few months without buying any new music, but ive just gotten caught in an avalanche! i havent had time to properly digest any of the yet, because i keep switching between them... as i spend more time with them i'll comment about them here, but until then, this is the current rotation:

jars of clay- good monsters
bleach- fairwell, old friends
andrew osenga- the morning
brian vander ark- angel put your face on
skillet- comatose
starflyer 59- my island
phil joel- deliberate people

1 comment:

Sean and Rachael said...

Skillet has done better. My favorite tracks are Rebirthing and Comatose. Better than Drugs is a cool track as well. It seems like they took a step backwards with this album. Collide was a much better album.